quinta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2010

PERSIANS: The military conquests and the administrative organization mark the history of the Persians

Located between the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea, the Persians established one of the most important ancient civilizations in the territory that today correspond to Iran. Around 550 BC, a prince called Cyrus performed the domination of the Kingdom of Media, and thus began the formation of a prosperous reign which lasted about twenty-five years. At that time, this slick emperor also won the kingdom of Lydia, Phoenicia, Syria, Palestine, the Greek regions of Asia Minor and Babylonia.
The expansion process opened by Cyrus was reinstated by the action of the Emperor Darius, who dominated the plains of the Indus River and Thrace. At this point, given the large proportions assumed by the Persian territory, this same emperor allowed the ordination of a feisty administrative reform. By the hands of Darius, the Persian fields were divided into satrapies, subdivisions of the territory to be controlled by a satrap.
The satrap was the important task of organizing the collection of taxes and had the assistance of a general secretary and a military commander. To resolve the continuing problems arising from the collection of taxes, Darius stipulated the creation of a single currency (drams) and the construction of an efficient set of roads. Through this, a group of employees, known as "eyes and ears of the king", supervise the collection volume of each satrapy.
These actions ensured the development of a well articulated economy based on commerce among the several cities encompassed by the Persian Empire. At the same time, we must point out that standards and regulations established by the state were responsible for the maintenance of an efficient administrative body and carry out various public works. Only after the defeat in the Greco-Persian Wars we start to envision the dismantling of this vast empire.
The religious life of Persian civilization attracts the curiosity of many people who are interested in the peoples of Eastern antiquity. Followers of the teachings of the prophet Zoroaster, the Persians have a structure of religious thought very close to other faiths like Judaism and Christianity. In short, they believe in the opposition between two deities (Mazda, the god of Good, and Ahriman, the god of Evil) and in the end of times.
The Persians artistic manifestations were noticeably influenced by politics. In several works, monuments and other buildings there are reproductions that commemorate the life and important achievements of kings. In the architectural field, the Persian palaces were endowed by a complex range of decoration and gardening. Surveys show the Persians built some of their palaces through digging large rocks.

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