quinta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2010

ARABS: The Arab civilization was marked by the expansion process of the Islamic religion

The Arabs have a history linked to the area of the Arabian Peninsula, where they settled primarily in a region taken by various deserts that hindered the establishment of sedentary peoples. Therefore, we see that early in their career, the Arabs were peoples of nomadic feature that interspersed among the deserts and valuable oases gifts throughout this territory.
Known as the Bedouins, this portion of the Arab people was known for its polytheistic religion and breeding. The reality of the Bedouins was very different from what we saw in the coastal portions of the Arabian Peninsula. In this other side of Arabia, there are urban centers and the consolidation of a more complex agricultural economy. Among the cities of the region, Mecca stood out, large commercial and religious center of the Arabs.
Regularly, the Arabs moved to the city of Mecca to pay homage and sacrifices to various deities present there. Among other sacred signs, we highlight the valley of Mina, Mount Arafat, the sacred well of Zen Zen and the Kaaba, the principal sacred temple where was housed the Black Stone, a meteorite fragment cubically protected by a huge black silk tent.
The attraction for religious reasons also made possible the realization of big business, which formed a rich merchant class in Mecca. Towards the end of the 6th century, this configuration of the Arab world underwent important changes with the appearance of Muhammad, a young and skilled caravan man that circulated several regions of the East for its business activities.
At this time, he came into contact with different peoples and, presumably, would have noticed the many peculiarities that mark the monotheistic belief of Christians and Jews. In 610, he caused a major upheaval in his life to believe he would deliver a spiritual mission revealed by the angel Gabriel in a dream. From then on, he became the prophet of Allah, the only true God.
The success of his preaching activity ended up establishing winning new adherents to Islam. The unprecedented religious experience sounded like a huge threat to the merchants of Mecca, who believed that trade generated by the polytheists pilgrimages would be annihilated by this new confession. With that, Muhammad and his growing number of followers were persecuted in the vicinity of Mecca.
Cornered, the Prophet Muhammad decided to take refuge in the city of Yatreb, where he won a significant wave of converts who pressured militarily merchants of Mecca. Realizing had no alternative, the traders decided to recognize the religious authority of Muhammad, who had undertaken to preserve the ancient deities of the city of Mecca.
Thereafter, the Arabs were converted en masse to the ideals of Islam and have experienced a new phase in their career. Between the 7th and 8th centuries, the Islamists established a process of expansion that spread their beliefs in various regions of northern Africa, Iberian Peninsula and in some portions of the eastern world.

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